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Permanent Wholetime (PWT)
To receive a permanent wholetime teaching contract you must be fully qualified for the advertised position. You must be registered with Teaching Council. Your attention is drawn to Teaching Council [Registration] Regulations 2009. You must also have been appointed following a formal selection process that involves advertisement in the national press and competitive interview by a properly constituted interview board.
At Second level in the CDETB this means that you:
must hold a recognised degree (or equivalent) in at least one of the subjects on the Leaving Certificate Programme. The specific requirements are detailed in Memo V7
From 1st April 2013 forward, a qualification in post-primary teacher education (1st to 6th Year) will also be required for recognition as a qualified teacher in the CDETB (with the exception in advance of this date where for certain curricular subjects CDETB requires a specific methodology e.g. Art, Physical Education, Home Economics).
At Further Education level (Post-Leaving Certificate, Traveller Training Centres, the Education Service to the Prisons) this means that you must hold a qualification that satisfies either the terms of Memo V7 or
Teaching Council
Regulations 2009 (Section 5).
City of Dublin ETB Administrative Offices, Town Hall, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 T: + 353-1- 668 0614 F: +353-1- 668 0710 E-mail: