Conditions and Contracts


Every staff member will be issued with a Contract of Employment.

For the vast majority of staff your terms and conditions of employment, including certain provisions relating to your working conditions, are covered by collective agreements negotiated and agreed between Trade Unions, Staff Associations, managerial authorities e.g. Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI), and the Department of Education and Skills (DES) in respect of the employment group to which you belong.

These terms and conditions are usually contained within circular letters issued by the Department of Education and Skills.  For staff members whose terms and conditions of service are not covered by any specific DES circular letter, City of Dublin ETB will seek DES approval to link such staff to established grades within the City of Dublin ETB. 

Follow the links below for more information:

CDETB Administrative Offices, Town Hall, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 T: + 353-1- 668 0614 F: +353-1- 668 0710 E-mail: