Trade Unions

The City of Dublin ETB believes in the principle of resolving industrial relations problems by discussion and agreement.  For practical purposes it is considered that this can only be achieved through negotiations conducted by representatives of the employers and of the employees. You have a right, and are encouraged by the City of Dublin ETB, to join a recognised independent Trade Union or Staff Association and to take part in its activities.
City of Dublin ETB accepts the right of recognised Trade Unions to appoint branch officers and shop stewards and accords certain facilities to enable them to perform their duties.  In this regard City of Dublin ETB adheres to the Labour Relations Commission Code of Practice titled Duties and Responsibilities of employee representatives and the protection and facilities afforded them by their employers.
Terms and conditions of service and related matters are generally nationally agreed.  Regular monthly meetings are held between Head Office management and
(i)                   the Joint Group of Unions and
(ii)                 theTeachers Union of Ireland.
CDETB Administrative Offices, Town Hall, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 T: + 353-1- 668 0614 F: +353-1- 668 0710 E-mail: