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Teaching Staff - Jobshare
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Job Share (Teachers)
The Job-Share Scheme
(Circular Letter 0054/2019 Ch. 8)
is only available to Permanent Wholetime Teachers (excluding Principals, Deputy Principals, Home School Liaison Teachers, Teachers on secondment) or teachers with Contracts of Indefinite Duration. According to the circular teachers cannot job-share during their year on probation.
The relevant notice and circular letter is circulated to all Principals/Head of Centres in January of each year.
The closing date for receipt of job share applications is 1st February, for the academic session commencing in September of that year (i.e. applications for career breaks for the 2021/22 academic year must be received by 1st February).
Application Form
It is important that teachers note that the welfare and educational needs of the learners will take precedence over all other considerations. The timetable arrangements for job-sharing will be designed within the spirit of the scheme to facilitate the teachers so far as is practicable. The particular needs of teaching posts will largely determine what patterns of job-sharing are possible. Each job-sharing arrangement must be approved annually by CDETB Head Office and sanctioned by the DES.
For more information contact the Human Resources Department.
CDETB Administrative Offices, Town Hall, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 T: + 353-1- 668 0614 F: +353-1- 668 0710 E-mail: