
Permanent wholetime teachers or teachers with Contracts of Indefinite Duration may apply for secondment. A secondment must be based on mutual agreement between the teacher, the CDETB and the host organisation. A secondment arrangement must
  • be demonstrated to be of clear benefit to the educational system and/or is in the public interest
  • specify the duration of the secondment and
  • specify that the seconded staff member will return to the CDETB at the end of the fixed term.
 A teacher member must apply, in writing, to their Principal enclosing documentation of the organisation and post that they wish to be seconded to. This should be done at the very least 3 months in advance of the proposed secondment.

The application must include the letter of offer from the relevant organisation, duration of secondment, recoupment arrangements, salary details and any allowances that are to be paid in addition to salary and contact name in the host organisation.

The Principal/Head of Centre must then forward all relevant documentation to the Human Resources Department with their recommendation.

When the above has been received, the Education Officer assigned to your particular school will be asked to access your application for approval. A decision by the CDETB to refuse a secondment request shall be final.

CDETB sends a list to the Department of Education & Science of all staff on secondment.

The individual on secondment must give at least three month's notice of their intention to resume duty or extend their secondment.

Where the services of the secondee are required for a period longer that one school year the period may be extended in increments of one full year. In such cases approval shall be subject to the following maxima being adhered to:
  • a maximum period of ten school years for secondments to Department-approved national programmes
  • a maximum period of nine school years for secondments to European Schools subject to terms and conditions of appointment to those schools
  • a maximum period of five school years for all secondments in other cases. 
CDETB, having given reasonable notice to the host organisation and the secondee, has the right to terminate a secondment to ensure that the educational needs of the school are given priority.
Where a secondee continues in the employment of the host organisation beyond the limits set out in the DES Circular Letter, s/he shall be regarded as having resigned from his/her teaching post.
CDETB Administrative Offices, Town Hall, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 T: + 353-1- 668 0614 F: +353-1- 668 0710 E-mail: