Hours of Work

The number of hours you are required to work each week will be specified in your Contract of Employment.  Your working pattern will be specified at your place of employment.


Flexible Working Hours

There is a flexible working hours scheme that is applicable to certain sections of the City of Dublin ETB and you will need to check with your line manager if this applies to you.


Medical Appointments

Staff should endeavour to make doctor/dental appointments outside working hours.



All staff, except academic staff, whose salary is below Assistant Principal Officer scale are entitled to payment for overtime worked.  All overtime worked must be approved in advance by your line manager.  Part-time staff will not qualify for overtime rates until they have worked the equivalent of the full-time hours of their post.


Working Week

The normal working week will be specified in your Conditions of Service.  The actual working hours are as arranged at your place of employment.
CDETB Administrative Offices, Town Hall, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 T: + 353-1- 668 0614 F: +353-1- 668 0710 E-mail: info@cdetb.ie