Eye Tests

Under the terms of the 1988 Health & Safety Agreement, administrative staff should have an eye examination before working with VDUs.  Accordingly, arrangements have been made with the Association of Optometrists Ireland that staff members may undergo an eye examination with the Ophthalmic Optician/Optometrist of their choice.
If your Ophthalmic Optician/Optometrist advises that you are required to use spectacles when using VDUs, an allowance towards the cost of same is recoupable from City of Dublin ETB. You must forward to the Human Resources Department the original receipt(s) and the completed Eye Examination Report Form.
Details of allowances as follows:
Spectacles (Frames and Lenses): €69.00
Bifocal/Varifocal Lenses:  €115.00


A refund of the eye examination fee and the appropriate amount towards the cost of new frames/lenses may be claimed by forwarding the original receipt(s) together with the completed Eye Examination Report Form to the Human Resources Department.

CDETB Administrative Offices, Town Hall, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 T: + 353-1- 668 0614 F: +353-1- 668 0710 E-mail: info@cdetb.ie