Reckonable Service

The following service is reckonable for benefits:

•    Pensionable service
•    Temporary wholetime service which is pensionable on an ongoing basis or temporary wholetime service which was not pensionable while the service was given but can now be reckoned for pension purposes
•    Certain part-time service
•    Certain other transferred service
•    Additional or added service allowed for Professional Added Years, ill-health added years or the purchase of added years under the Notional service purchase scheme
•    Certain service in respect of which you may have already received a gratuity or refund of contributions

For service to be reckonable, the appropriate contributions must be paid.

The aggregate of reckonable service for superannuation purposes cannot exceed 40 years.

To obtain a detailed estimate, you should contact the pension section of City of Dublin ETB by e-mailing .  You should provide details of any service you have with other organisations so that the pension section can check with the relevant organisations if this service is pensionable.
CDETB Administrative Offices, Town Hall, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 T: + 353-1- 668 0614 F: +353-1- 668 0710 E-mail: