Payment of part-time teachers

Part-time Teachers are required to complete a claim form each fortnight. Payments of arrears will only be made when late claims have an accompanying explanatory letter from the Principal/Head of Centre.
Part-time Teacher Payment Schedule             

Part-time Payment Schedule - January - December 2024

Contact Details

Please ensure that claims are submitted on time. The claim forms are sent off site for processing; hence the strict deadline schedules.
To avoid delay in payment you should pay particular attention to the following:
Compulsory fields
·         Year
·         Staff Number
·         Name and address
·         Centre name and number
·         Week commencing (must be consistent with the payment schedule)
·         Week number (weeks from different pay cycles will not be accepted on the same claim form)
Claiming hours
·         Lines must be fully completed – enter Hours code and Day code on every relevant line
·         If hours are being claimed only in week 2 of the pay cycle, the hours should be entered in column two only.
·         Hours codes are available from the School/Centre only.
·         Claims for Public Holidays must be made using the appropriate PH code –schedule available on the staff intranet.
·         Class times – 24 hour clock must be used
·         Hours claimed – please ensure these are consistent with the class times
Pay Codes       Category 1 Part time rate
Category 2 FETAC Tutor level 2
Category 3 FETAC Tutor level 3
Category 4 Life Models
·         Do not cross out or overwrite incorrect information – use a correcting fluid and re-write.
·         Form must be signed by Teacher and passed to Centre /School for signing by authorised signatory.
·         Forms completed incorrectly may result in non-payment of all/ some hours claimed, and will be returned to the centre with an accompanying note.
·         Forms received after deadlines will be held over for payment until the next pay cycle.
Deductions at Source
The facility to have deductions made at source is not available on the part time payroll.
CDETB Administrative Offices, Town Hall, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 T: + 353-1- 668 0614 F: +353-1- 668 0710 E-mail: