Shorter Working Year

The purpose of the shorter working year scheme is to permit CDETB non-academic staff to balance their working arrangements with outside commitments, including the school holiday periods of their children. Under the terms of the scheme, special leave is available as a period of not less than 2 and not more than 13 consecutive weeks.  Details of the scheme can be found in DES Circular Letter 14/2009

Applications 2021

Applications to participate in the Shorter Working Year Scheme should be made on the official application form attached and clearly outline the reason for requesting to participate in the Scheme
All applications will be assessed on a case by case basis

Closing date for receipt of applicaitons:

Monday 16th November 2020

Applications should be made directly to your Principal/Head of Centre/Head of Dept. and forwarded to Linda Roche in the Human Resources Department
CDETB Administrative Offices, Town Hall, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 T: + 353-1- 668 0614 F: +353-1- 668 0710 E-mail: